1. Bnan Crafts: If you are looking for giveaways, invitations and gifts that are special, then Bnan Crafts is who to contact.

Instagram: ns_bnan
Email: bnancrafts@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +966-545601164
2. Rooh Design & Sewing: Handcrafted Handbags!! Customized pouch bags that are unique.

Instagram: roohdas
Email: roohdas@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +966-505878326
3. Nada Accessorize: Handmade accessories that are made of stones for adults and children. She customizes everything from earrings, bracelets to necklaces.

Instagram: nadaaccessorise
Email: nadamag@live.com
Whatsapp: +966-548050240
4. Rehaf Art: She customizes the Arabian hand drum with calligraphy, paint etc., to make beautiful works of art for home décor.

Instagram: rehafart
Whatsapp: +966-544172353
5. Afaf Jewelry: Where beauty meets jewelry.

Instagram: afaf.jewelry
Email: afaf.jewelry@gmail.com
Phone: +966-544284425
Snapchat: afaf.jewelry
6. Jo_sew4fun: Handmade sewn designs for various uses such as camera straps, makeup bags, backpacks etc.

Instagram: jo_sew4fun
Website: josew4fun.wordpress.com
Snapchat: Jo_sew4fun
7. MZN Body Care Products: Body care products handmade to give your skin the luxury treatment it deserves.

Instagram: mznbodycare
Email: mznbodycare@gmail.com