Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Hanan Kamal: Highlighting the Beauty of Graffiti

Hanan Kamal: Highlighting the Beauty of Graffiti

Pink In and her graffiti talent.

Hanan Kamal has followed her passion to even the top of buildings. She is a multi-talented person who uses graffiti as her medium for expression. She describes herself as “a dreamer” with “a different and epic imagination.”

On her beginnings, Kamal says, “I started drawing at nine years old… I found a way to spread my thoughts on paper until I improved and then paper wasn’t enough for me anymore. So I started using different materials to express my art, one of which was walls.” She designates graffiti as, “strong, loud and limitless”; to her it requires “infinite creativity.”

12939120_10208098856483710_592009212_nUnfortunately, graffiti has been deeply linked to males, as the most well-known names in this arena are of men. Kamal responds to that by naming some of the most talented graffiti female artists out there, “Mad C, Steffi Bow, Lady Jay, Faith 47, Maya Hayuk, Swoon, Hera, Miss Van, Myla, Cbloxx, Christina Angelina are all influential female graffiti artists. I even chose my graffiti name “Pink In” to support all females around the world and also to prove that we can do anything. For me, “Pink In” doesn’t only stand for the color but also for feminine power.”

DESIGNERS-Do-not-use-this-as-the-main-PhotoKamal also responds to some people’s views of graffiti being an eye soar and a mean of sabotage. She has chosen to be its voice and to cement its stature as a unique form of art, and not simply scribbles on walls. She relates, “Even though, most people still think that graffiti art ruins the environment and should be a crime, others are supporting us and believe it really looks good.” People can see Kamal’s art around Jeddah like at Al Rawdah Park, Flamingo Mall, Red Sea Mall and Obhur.

Screen-Shot-2016-04-11-at-1.13.58-PMHanan Kamal wishes to spread her art everywhere and give women their rightful place in the graffiti arena. “I want people to see the imagination of artists through their art work and I want to make the world a better and more colorful place.”

Instagram: pink8in



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