Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Guide To Driving Offroad in Saudi

Guide To Driving Offroad in Saudi

One of the favorite pastimes for those living in Saudi is offroad driving.

Anyone who has tried it before can tell you how this is a kind of experience that everyone living in Saudi must-have at least once in their lifetime.

Driving Offroad in Saudi

The off-road driving scene in the Kingdom is limited to the desert areas; mountainous regions like Asir and Al Baha are definitely off the cards and are next to impossible for off-road driving. But worry not as most of the country is suitable for off-road driving provided that you have the necessary gear and skills.

Things You Need (Checklist)

This is not a comprehensive list, they are mentioned here just to give you a general idea of the things you may need. (We’re not mentioning the obvious like the fact that you need a 4*4 or that you need to have plenty of supplies of food and water with you). The checklist below may vary depending on the place you’re going, the time period you’re going for, the car you have and your prior experience with off-road driving.


Rules to Follow:

It is needless to say that you should have your car checked before you leave and that you need a GPS with you, whether it’s on your phone or in the form of a navigator. Stick by these rules to have a safe sudi arabia offroad driving experience.

Momentum is Key

You have to keep the momentum going especially on terrain where there is soft sand. If you plan to stop then stop at place where the terrain is such that you feel that you’re feet will not sink in once you step outside.


Deflate The Tires

In the dunes your car will face difficulty with acquiring traction. So deflate you’re tires down to around 15 to 20psi. This will allow the tire tread, which will help in getting a better grip on the surface. However as soon as you are back on the road then inflate the tires at the first opportunity you get.


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Vehicle Digging In

In case of such as issue steer the steering right and left repeatedly to allow for a better grip and traction for the tires.


Stuck In Sand?

Deflate the tires even more, remove the sand that is blocking the tires, use a plank to put underneath the tires and pour water on the sand near the tires to moisten the sand.


Stay On The Ruts

This is much safer and it is likely that these roads don’t have portions of soft sands. Even if they do, then chances are that someone will be going past these routes sometime. So you won’t be all alone of the radar.


Carry The Trash

Remember that there is no one to pick after you and trash doesn’t decompose easily in the desert unlike wet places. So carry it with you until you reach civilization again.


The weather now in the country is perfect for an off-road excursion. So grab your friends and family, get the necessary gear and head off for an adventure into the desert, cruising through its shifting sand dunes.


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