Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Great Food for Great Events

Great Food for Great Events

With Dolphin Catering and Banqueting.

Adorable, intelligent, and very social, dolphins appeal to everyone and are endlessly entertaining. Dolphin Catering and Banqueting strives to be just like their namesake – be at the heart of social gatherings and events, not only to fill stomachs, but also to entertain and fulfil their core values of hospitality and responsibility towards the community.

3w7a8795-copyWhatever your event – a wedding, private party, public or government-sponsored gala, or even a venue cafeteria – Dolphin can meet your catering and banqueting needs. Their popular ‘pilgrimage campaigns,’ designed especially for visitors of the Holy Sites, feature Western, Oriental, and Chinese cuisines – proof of their acceptance of guest diversity.3w7a8833

They offer eight different set buffet menu themes, each one including enticing appetizers and salads, warm pastries, a variety of delicious main course dishes, mouthwatering desserts, and hot and cold beverages. On top of all this is their live cooking service, providing entertainment to diners while they wait for their meals.3w7a8763-copy

With Dolphin Catering and Banqueting, the more, the merrier! Make your next event a well-rounded, all-inclusive experience for your guests.3w7a8822-copy

Tel: +966-505676709 / +966-550032200
Location: Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz (Tahlia) St., Faisaliyyah Dist., Jeddah
Instagram: dolphin.jeddah


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