Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Grab the Beast by its Horns!

Grab the Beast by its Horns!

By Yasmine Mohamed

A guide on how to make the most of your last day at MDL Beast; survival mode.

It’s called MDL Beast but it is massive and there is nothing “middle” about it. If this is your first time attending a festival of this caliber, things can become a little overwhelming if you’re not prepared. The to-the-marrow Riyadh cold, exhaustion, raging crowds, and the distances you have to travel can all team up against you. However, Destination KSA won’t allow the Beast to get the best of us! Here are some tried and tested tips and tricks on how to Beat the Beast.

It can get pretty cold especially, late at night.


    • Wear appropriate winter clothing in layers so you can adjust when it gets too cold or too hot.
    • Stay active, jiggle and wiggle. It will burn those fat cells and keep you nice and toasty.
    • Eat up warm foods to remain energized and to ward off unwanted hunger aches. Pizzaoki is a winner for us. Give them a try.
    • Several heaters are installed throughout on-site. Shake off the chills and huddle around them.

It’s a jungle out there and you wouldn’t wanna get lost!


    • Stay in groups as much as possible. Don’t wander off alone and follow the lights when tempted to.
    • Agree upon a designated area at the event where you and your friends/family would know to meet up at if anyone gets lost at any point.
    • Memorize your parking space or write it down on your phone. At the end of a long night, ain’t nobody got time for that!
    • Internet connectivity may be a bit wishy-washy. Areas where there is the best internet connection are obviously at STC booths, at the Media Center, and near the VIB area. Get connected and get found!

Here’s the map to navigate around the festival:

FOMO is one thing, but fear of running out of cell phone charge is another thing.


    • Get a fully charged long-lasting power bank with you.
    • If you run out of power, fear not, STC has charging booths at several locations. Ask for them.
    • Don’t forget to activate the battery saving mode on your phones at the beginning of the evening.

If you’re not much of a party animal usually but decided to party hard and go all out this time, do the following and thank us later:

    • Stay hydrated as much as possible and don’t worry about needing to go to the bathroom. There are plenty of those and they are quite clean.
    • Stretch/warm-up before your party stunts so you’re not really sore on Sunday when you have to go to work.
    • Head to the General Admissions area if you feel beat and get some rest on the benches. Avoid sitting on the floor in crowded areas so that you wouldn’t get trampled upon. 

We wish you a beast of a night. Be ready, be safe, and enjoy it to the max!



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