Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

How To Get Over The Sunday Blues

How To Get Over The Sunday Blues

The weekend just flies by so fast and we don’t like that!

However, c’est la vie. So, here are a few things to do so the dreaded Sunday is more tolerable.

  • Instead of making your usual cup of coffee at work; try getting your coffee from one of the cafés around town. Maybe even order something new or add a twist to your usual order.
  • Look good, dress up, or even add a new accessory to your outfit. Not only will it make you look fabulous, but it will also get you compliments and who doesn’t like those?
  • Actually focus on the assignment, on hand, at work. You will be surprised how fast time flies by, when you actually get work done.
  • Take a walk around the office… just to stretch.
  • Watch funny videos during your break; they will put a smile on your face and will stop you feeling like your soul is being sucked out of your body.
  • Have a fruit or a piece of candy every once in a while; food is there for you!
  • Your headphones are your best friends. So put them on blast when you feel bored.
  • Text your best friend -who doesn’t work with you- to rant and vent if your day is not going so smoothly as it should be.
  • Plan something after work; this will keep you motivated throughout the entire day.

Comment below and tell us how you combat the Sunday downers.


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