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A Detailed List of Clubs and kids activities jeddah

A Detailed List of Clubs and kids activities jeddah

From a young age, it is important for children to partake in a myriad of kids activities jeddah However, we know that many of you mothers and fathers struggle to find the perfect place for your children to become well-rounded individuals. Worry no more, below we have organized for you a list of the different activities: their prices, availability and contact info. Remember, the children of today are tomorrow’s future.

SPORTS | kids activities jeddah

3s Football Academy

Fees: 500 SR per month
Days: Tues and Thursday 5 – 7 p.m.
Ages: 7 – 12 years (Boys only)
Coaches: Saud Al Fadl, Sultan Al Fadl and Saud Al Hemayid
Location: King Road, Al Zahra Dist.
Tel: +966-545541422/ +966-592223322 / +966-582223322
Facebook:  FootballAcedemyJeddah

kids activities jeddah

Friends Zone

Fees: 800 SR per month
Days: Sunday and Tuesday
Ages: 3 – 12 years (girls and boys)
Location:  Al Naeem Dist.
Tel: +966-12-6224344
Facebook:  Friendszonecenter
Instagram:  friendszone_kids

read more: Saudi Sports for All Federation participates in Sport Industry Forum Abu Dhabi 2022


Jeddah City Football Club

Fees:  500 SR per month  (8 sessions/twice a week)
Days: Sundays and Tuesdays from 5-7 p.m.
Ages: 4 – 16 yrs (boys) / 4 – 8 yrs (girls)
Coaches: Feras Yasain and Ibrahim Saleh
Location: Al Mohammadia Dist., close to Jarir mall
Tel: +966-501995834/ +966-566041112/ +966-569173016
Facebook:  JeddahCityFC

Jeddah-City-Football-Club kids activities jeddah

Jeddah United Sports Company

Fees:  24 classes for 3 months; 1800 SR
Days: Sunday to Wednesday 5:15-7:15 p.m. (5-12 years)/ Sunday and Tuesday 5:15-7:15 p.m. (13+ years)
Ages: 5 years + (boys only)
Location: Al Andalous / Tahlia
Tel: +966-566600429/ +966-503692772
Facebook: Jeddah United Sports Company


Nahdi Al Shams

Fees: 450 SR per month, 1100 SR for 3 months,1800 SR for 6 months and 3000 SR for a year (single activity fee only, if you enroll in more than one, program prices are different.)
Ages: 5 years – 16 years (classes also available for 17+)
Location: Al Zahra Dist.
Tel: +966-12-2562000

Red Sea Football

700 SR; 10 lessons; one hour class (3-7 years)
800 SR;10 lessons; two hour classes. ( 8+ years)
3 – 6 years; Monday and Wednesday from 5 – 6 p.m.
6 – 7 years; Monday and Wednesday from 6 – 7 p.m.
8 – 11 years; Sunday and Tuesday from 5 – 7 p.m.
11 – 13 years; Sunday and Tuesday from 7 – 9 p.m.
14+ years; Monday and Wednesday from 7 – 9 p.m.

Coach: Kareem Linjawi
Location: Al Khaldiyah Dist.
Tel: +966-505681150
Red Sea Football

Spanish Football Club/Dunk Playground

Fees: 1200 SR for 3 months
Days: Saturday to Thursday 5 – 7 p.m. and 7- 9 p.m.
Coach: Ahmed/Marzouk Al Otaibi/ Hazam
Location: Behind IKEA, Tahlia St.
Tel: +966-
555654651/ +966-535660119


Sporting United Academy | kids activities jeddah

Age : 9 – 15 years
Coaches: Shabir Ai Lava  / Jamshad Mohammed
Location: Al Samer Dist.
Training: 8 session per week
Days: Friday and Saturday
Facebook:  SportingUnitedJeddah

Sporting-United-Academy kids activities jeddah

The Private Club

The Private Club is an exciting FIRST sport club in Jeddah for kids established in 2000

Age: All ages
SR 1500/month; four games
SR 800/month; two games
SR 500/month; one game
SR 63/day; one game
Location: Al Malik Road‬, next to Al Naghi Company ‬
Sports: Soccer, yoga, ballet, salsa, gymnastic, kickboxing, basketball, hiphop, gym, tennis, karate, self defence, volleyball, aerobics and baseball
Hours: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Days: Throughout the year.
Mob: +966-506359280
Tel: +966-12-6223589

Fitness Time – Junior

Fitness Time Junior is a special sports and fitness center designed for children and young adults.
Ages: 6 -15 years
Training: Football, spinning, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, swimming, group classes, self-defense, indoor track, cardio and gym
3 months; 1350 SR
6 months; 2100 SR
12 months; 3550 SR
Location: Ghornata St. , Al Aziziyah Dist.
Hours: Friday : 4 p.m. – 12 a.m. , 
Saturday: 2 p.m. – 12 a.m.
Tel: 920003131




Ahmed Zeeshan

Tel: +966-534817768
Location:  Al Safa Dist.
Lesson Duration: 2 hours
Rates: 200 SR/lesson at teacher’s home (Al Safaa), 250 SR/lesson at student’s home
Minimum Age: 9 years
Additional Info: Ahmed has been teaching boys and girls aged 9-18 years old over the last 2 years. He is from India and fluent in English and Urdu/Hindi.

Ali Arif

Tel: +966-599010466
Student Age: 12 years +
Lesson Duration: 1 hour per week
Rates: 100 SR per class/ 400 SR per month
Additional Info: Mr. Arif has been playing guitar for ten years and has a recording studio in Pakistan.

read more: The Power of Music, Art & Creativity on Display AlUla Wellness Festival’s Five Senses Sanctuary



Friend Zone | kids activities jeddah

Tel: +966-12-6224344/ +966-12-6224345
Location: Al Naeem Dist.
Fees: 1 month one time a week;1000 SR

 1 month two times a week; 2000 SR
3 months one time a week; 2800 SR

3 months two times a week; 5600 SR
Day: Monday and Wednesday
Facebook:  Friendszonecenter
Instagram:  friendszone_kids



Bassam Saad

Tel: +966-542576644
Student Age: 5 years +
Lesson Duration: 1 hour, once or twice weekly
Fee: 250 SR/ hour
Location: Andomi Compound; Madinah Road and Sari intersection
Additional Info:
Mr. Saad has more than 32 years experience in teaching the technique of violin playing as per Russian, British and Japanese methods. He was a member of many Symphony and Chamber Orchestras; performing in Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Spain, France and Canada.

Students should have their own violin, music stand and shoulder rest. Books will be provided unless they have their own.

Photo Credit:
Photo Credit:


Binte Hava

Location: Al Aziziya Dist.
Mob: +966-546037489

Friends Zone

Ages: 3-12 years
Day:  Wednesday
Times:  4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Fees: 1000 SR for 4 classes
Location:  Al Naeem Dist.
Tel:  +966-12-6224344 / +966-12-6224345 / +966-12-6624346 / +966-533657700
Facebook:  Friendszonecenter
Instagram:  friendszone_kids


Motion Boutique (Art and Ballet Together)

Ages: 3 years +
Fees: 350 SR/month and up depending on number of times per week and dancing level of child.
Location: Al Naseem Dist.
Tel: +966-592693380
Facebook: Motion Boutique & Jeddah Ballet Academy


Saudi Center for Fine Arts

Tel: +966-12-661 2041
Location: Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz St, Al Andalus Dist.

Young Rembrandt

Alif Center off of Malak Road
Ages: 4 – 12 years
Fee: 1 month; 500 SR

2 months; 900 SR

3 months; 1200 SR
Schedule: Monday 4 – 6:30 p.m., Saturday 11 – 12:30 p.m.
Tel: +966-542153779
Facebook: YR Saudia

read more: 8 Saudi Artists You Should Know About


My Library

Al Rawdah Dist.
Treet in the Elegant Home building, across from Saudi French Bank.
Fee is 800 SR for My Library Members or 1500 SR for non-members.(Two month program where classes are held once a week.)
Tel: +966-550565110 or +966-12-2631709

My Library


Uzma Noman

Ages: Girls and boys (under 12 years old)
Mastering mediums such as Acrylic, water colors, oil paints, etc. Private classes held with a Fine Arts expert.
Fees: SR 75 per class.
Times: Weekdays; before 8 pm, Saturdays; before 1 pm. (Sessions are 2 hours)
Location: Al Hamra Dist.
Tel: +966-504149834


Dynamic Code Center

Ages:  3 years +
Fees:  Unknown–only private individual or private group (6 or more) classes are available.
Location: Behind Jeddah Hilton
Tel: +966-12-6076450
Facebook: dcodecenter


Chamelle Plaza

Ages: 4.5 years +
Fees:  900 SR for 10 classes
Location: Tahlia St.
Tel: +966-12-6634355

Enchanted Garden

Ages:  3 years +
Fees:  500 SR /month (term packages also available for 1500 SR ) –once a week
Location: Tahlia St.
Tel: +966-12-6916812


Expressions Fitness Club in Saraia Compound

Day:  Monday
Time:  6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Location:  Al Rawdah Dist.
Tel: +966-551930502/ +966-505660039

Friends Zone

Ages:  3-12 years
Fees: 600 SR/Month – twice a week
Location:  Al Naeem Dist.
Tel: +966-12-6224344
Facebook:  Friendszonecenter
Instagram:  friendszone_kids


Little Caterpillars

Ages: 3-7 years
Fees: Given upon request
Location: Al Rawdah Dist.
Tel:  +966-540997755
Instagram: littlecaterpillarsclub


Motion Boutique

Ages: 3 years +
Fees: 350 SR/month and up depending on number of times per week and dancing level of child.
Location: Al Naseem Dist.
Tel: +966-592693380
Facebook: Motion Boutique & Jeddah Ballet Academy



Chamelle Plaza

Days: Saturdays
Times: Girls: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. (6-8 years)
12  – 1 p.m. for girls (9-13 years).
Fee: 700 SR for 10 classes
Tel: +966-12-6634355 / +966-12-6634356
Facebook: chamelle club & Spa

>Dynamic Code Center

Private classes can be arranged for you and your friends.  A minimum of 6 people are needed to set up the class. They were unwilling to give me a price quote.
Tel: +966-12-6076450

Expressions Fitness Club/ Saraia Compound

Day:  Monday and Wednesday
Time:  6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Location:  AL Rawdah Dist.
Tel:  +966-551930502/ +966-505660039

Friends Zone

Ages:  5-12 years  (boys and girls– currently only girls in class)
Day:  Sunday and Tuesday
Fees:  500 SR/month or buy 3 month package for 1300 SR
Tel: +966-533657700
Facebook:  Friendszonecenter
Instagram:  friendszone_kids


Fun Center

Days: Sundays & Tuesdays
Times:  5 – 6 p.m. children + (mother with daughter)
Fees: 75 SR single class
4 week membership: SR 600
8 week membership: SR 1100
12 week membership: SR 1500
Tel: +966-555118415 / +966-554655889
Facebook: Fun Fun Center


Fun Is Us

Days: Twice per week (awaiting details)
Times: Awaiting details
Fees: 650 SR per month
Tel: +966-555022353

Saudi City Playgroup

Ages: 3-9 years  (boys and girls)
Days/Times:  Mondays 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday’s 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Fee:  500 SR / month for 8 classes (2 times a week)
Location:  Al Khalidiyah Dist.
Tel: +966-569769775 (call between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm ONLY)

Source: This article is sourced from the very helpful blog JeddahForKids:


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