Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Conversations with an Artist – Abstract Art in the Cosmos

Conversations with an Artist – Abstract Art in the Cosmos

A journey among the cosmos.

Artist: Mariam Bukhamsin
Form of Expression: Abstract Art

Tell us about yourself.
I’m an abstract artist and Master’s student in Teaching Methodologies of Art at King Saud University. My passion in art helped me teach it in Al Ahsa to elementary students for six years.

When did you realize you had to create something of your own?
To be honest, I never felt like I was chasing art, but rather that it found me. I began developing my vision almost three years ago. Through art, I was able to carry this vision of sharing my unique work with people.mariam-bukhamseen-_khobar_2017_aa-2

Do you have any special rituals before or during the creation of your art?
Total isolation from everything but my art.

Would you like to recommend one of the books that inspires you?
Scientist Carl Sagan’s book Cosmos: A Personal Voyage is one that influenced me personally. I admire how he wanted to enlighten people about the spirituality of science and his explorations of the aesthetic. I try to do the same with my artwork.mariam-bukhamseen-_khobar_2017_aa-3

What is your favorite art piece?
My painting of the body and universe is my personal favorite as I painted it without any preparation, which is unusual for me. I felt as if some magical powers of the universe were guiding me. I felt a deep connection with it, which is why it’s closest to my heart.

What inspires you?
I am inspired by philosophy, spirituality, religion, and most importantly, science. Science tries to dissect or study the physical structure of the universe, while art, the moral structure of it. mariam-bukhamseen-_khobar_2017_aa-5

What kind of dialogue does your art create?
During my previous exhibitions in Bahrain, I noticed people indulging in philosophical conversations because of my art. They observed the pieces in depth and even created theories about it. This is the kind of conversation that I‘d want my art to stimulate.

Who’s your favorite artist?
Since I do not want to be confined to just art itself, I would have to pick Carl Sagan, again. As I said earlier, I draw inspiration most and usually from scientists.mariam-bukhamseen-_khobar_2017_aa-4

How would people describe you?
In a few words: quiet, spiritual, calm, and unique – similar to my work.

You’re at a restaurant to meet with people. Who are you meeting for dinner?
Firstly, Omar Khayyam. An extraordinary philosopher, poet, and mathematician as well as a man of peaceful nature. The other two would be Stephen Hawking and of course, Carl Sagan.

Do you have any final words for our readers?
One word: passion. The fire burning inside you is what will keep you going. Keep it alive.



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