Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Artist’s Corner: Sarah Samer Farhoud

Artist’s Corner: Sarah Samer Farhoud

Meet this month’s emerging artist!

Artist’s Profile

Name: Sarah Samer Farhoud
Age: 24
Occupation: Physician, Freelance fitness instructor, and freelance artist.
Medium: Acrylic and oil on canvas, ink sketches and illustrations.
Instagram: farhoudart / vegansaudi

What got you started?

I always loved to express myself through art. In my early teens my grandfather encouraged me to paint and work on my creativity which helped me learn to love experimenting with different styles and aesthetics.

Why do you art?

I use art as a filter for all the ideas and thoughts I have trouble expressing or dispensing in another way. Art has been there through good and bad times. It’s meditation at its best. I create not to leave a piece of me in this world but to have a conversation with it.Heavythearts

Is your work the result of sudden inspiration, or long term planning? How do you think up your concepts?

It’s always different. I am inspired by many things. By the people in my life, the stories, music, lyrics, other art work and especially how I feel.

What is, in your opinion, the best thing you’ve ever created and why?

I don’t think I’ve created the best thing yet. I hope to one day to look back and think, “I made that, that’s mine!” But right now I’m working on experimenting and finding my voice in the art world.4f15abd25ad8acb5e57640a357c904ba

What do you think of the art scene in Riyadh? Anything you’d like to see changed?

The art scene is definitely growing. Art lovers are more invested in finding great artists and supporting them. I personally want to meet more artists within the community to learn from them and get inspired by them.

Who are your role models?

My family members, my patients, and I gotta say my cat! He’s living the life!3fall

What does being creative mean to you?

It means the ability to be free in expression in any media. It is the ability to talk with words, music notes, paint strokes, and body language. It’s being human.

Favorite piece of artwork by someone else.

This one is hard. I think Death and Life by Gustav Klimt was the first to pop into my mind. I stood in front of that painting a good half hour just in awe.


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