By Ghada Al-Omran
How far can you go being entertained in Riyadh? Facing the wall and avoiding the public might be your solution. Now, the argument begins. As long as you hear that there is nothing to do someone tends to counteract what you’re saying. And it is brilliant. A river full of ideas come through, yet why is the continuous statement, “Although, I don’t believe we have enough entertainment?”, lingers? Then the comparison begins about how the places outside are more evolved and they have more entertainment. While this is true, some factors are not applied by all means in Riyadh but have an impeccable solution to cater your entertainment needs, for now.
Keep in mind, positivity and prioritizing seems like a big movement to be entertained but you will never be satisfied if you think about everything as horror house in Riyadh. Forget comparison. Forget complaining. Focus on yourself to be entertained and quite frankly you’d get it. Always remember, “Be careful what you wish for; you may receive it.” Because indeed the more you say “Riyadh has nothing.” And “Riyadh is boring.” The more it seems that way. Get out of the comfort zone and entice yourself with fun activities and let adventure begin. For example, from planned road trips to spontaneous ones is a great beginning to explore different parts of the region. Road trips that can range from 45 minutes to 8 hours (if you are up for the challenge). Road trips with music gravitating through one’s ear, games, and talking are the best. The road trips that takes more than 5 hours might be tiring, have stopovers in different regions that are on the way.
Feeling brave? Take up classes in diving (Riodiving based in the heart of Riyadh) to be ready for the marine life from one of your road trips. One of the road trip destination would be Jeddah and their marine life is one of the best in the world, dive in and shimmer through the Red Sea with your acknowledged background in diving. In addition, visiting Jeddah’s natural hot spring is wondrous. Another road trip is to go through Abha for its beautiful scenery of the mountains, Haql ship wreck beach, and Jizan’s sea life. Also, visiting the Edge of the World and going to AlThummamh for camping out and motorbiking, and paramotoring. Reem international circuit, where drifting and racing is there for a reason; avoiding accidents and still enjoy the adernaline. Nofa resort’s park and resort is underestimated as it possesses exciting entertainment ranging from skating rink to horse-back riding. Now, feeling inspired? Take aviation classes, to learn piloting and get the license! Yes, your license; in Saudi Aviation Flight Academy or Wallan Flying School.
Fitness initiatives exponentially increasing, hence, as I exit La Rustica (wonderful food, I must add. No regrets.) bikers are there before me with their helmets on and ready to set and go. An applause commenced on my behalf, mentally. Usually, the life of the party experience in entertainment is movement. An observation is that usually people tend to have more fun with moving around the goes from the gym to bike riding. Rock climbing (must be done with a professional) is done here and maybe some kind of percentage didn’t know about it. Clearly, you should not be doing extraneous activity in the summer’s sun light but give no excuse to not move, do it in the night! Although, the winter is more forgiving either way. Cycling tracks should be painted on the streets our the fellow riders to be more adapted to the roads. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,
“Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding.”
Moving releases endorphins (a chemical substance that makes you happy) and it will definitely be energizing. Gather some friends and go to the gym and take up classes from kickboxing to Aerial yoga, which Sukoon Wellness and Kinteco offers.
In this generation, a fast-growing movement of generosity takes place. Not because of the bore, but the realization of what is truly crucial in this world. Good intentions to help the community. It’s a beautiful glance of children helping in Riyadh Shelter’s post that make the heart purified and they are entertained by helping with nothing in return but a good deed that our religion delivers. Women and men together willingly helping in hospitals, neighborhoods, and volunteering in various organizations. For example, the Bunyan charity for productive families, Empowerment Hub, Pay it Forward, Sanad, Alf Kheir, and along with others issue various events for a great cause.
In the end, everything is a blessing. We should cherish what we have and proceed to grow with it, not against it. Things are changing along the way and we must preserve the importance of religion and traditions whilst the growth with an open mind. Riyadh is flourishing right before our eyes and we should not take it for granted. Even now, lavishing and showing off materialistic object is worthless and has no grant or benefit in our nation. Yet, a greater goal is to try to make everything at its best state.
Always remember the words of the people full of wisdom,
An Arabic proverb that explains a balance should be acquired for better welfare. The stigma of our city is seems to be due to the quality, determination, commitment that fades away once a project is at its starts. But of course, not all places are issued that way especially those who have work ethic and passion, which is very important to obtain a successful outcome. We have everything you could think of (more than what is mentioned) but the awareness is finite. The only problem to resolve the solution of the entertainment is: awareness, quality, determination, and work ethics. Not anyone should be administered but those who are altruistic. After all, the evolvement should be not only be through entertainment but us as whole nation, a family, to look after what’s best for our education, activeness, health, security, and orderliness.