Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Achievements By These Adventurous Saudis Will Leave You Inspired

Achievements By These Adventurous Saudis Will Leave You Inspired

Every now and then we come across a story of an inspiring Saudi who overcame all barriers, and made the entire country proud.

The success stories of these adventurous Saudis are bound to leave you inspired, from climbing the highest peaks to going to the remotest corners of the world, read on to know more about the impressive feats they achieved.

1. In 2008, Farouq Al Zouman became the first Saudi to climb Mount Everest.

He is also the first Muslim to recite the Azan (Islamic call to prayer) from the top of the world.


2. Back in 1988, Shareef Jameel Adnan, a Saudi national along with his Egyptian partner Chahrazad Zaky circumnavigated the entire globe.

When they achieved the feat, they made history, as they became the first Arabs to do so.


3. 34-year-old Omar Al-Omair traveled from the north to the south of Japan on a bicycle.

It took him 39 days to traverse around 3,152 kilometers.


4. Bandar Bin Khalid Al Saud is the first Saudi to climb the highest peaks of all 7 continents.

At the age of 28, he is also the youngest Arab to do so.


5. Adventurer Ibrahim Al Mutairi is the First Saudi to reach the North Pole.

He is also the first Saudi reach the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.


6. Sahar Shamrani is the first Saudi woman to go to the South Pole.

The adventurer now plans to go to space.


7. Mohsin Al Ismail is the first Saudi with special needs to get a diving license.

He is also a basketball player.


8. Raha Moharrak is the first Saudi woman to successfully climb Mount Everest.

The 27-year-old is also the youngest Arab to scale the colossal mountain.


If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.Coco Chanel


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