Out with the new, in with the old.
Into the time machine, we go. Have you ever wondered what life was like back then? With A Vintage Voyage, we take you back to the good old days.
Alfelwah and Aljowharah Museum
The museum showcases a collection of 500,000 collectibles and is dedicated to all history lovers. You will find antique gramophones and private possessions of King Abdulaziz.
Location: Al Nuzha Dist., Dammam
Instagram: alf.aljmuseum
Heritage Village
Loyal to the locals. The Heritage village flows with manuscripts, antiques, and vintage cars in a village full of cultural aura, aroma, and food.
Location: Corniche Walk Way, Ash-Shati Al-Gharbi

Mehaires Palace
A mesmerizing ancient attraction. The castle was built in 1208 by Al-Imam Saud bin Abdul-Aziz on the peak of a hill for military purposes and is now one of the must-visit places in the Eastern Province.
Location: Al-Rashdiyah St., Al-Mubarraz

Qaisariya Souq
Built-in 1822AD. With a quick peek, you will be absorbed by the beige-colored architecture with its intricate details, from its arches and traditional lanterns to deep corridors, high walls, and stunning high ceilings.
Location: Al-Malek Abdulaziz Rd., Al-Rafaa Al-Shamaliyah Dist.

Muhairis Heritage Restaurant
Welcome to an all authentic dining experience. The spot does not only specialize in mouthwatering Saudi dishes but also the local architecture.
Location: Al Quds St., Al Rashdiyah Dist.
Instagram: muh66r

Oah Ya Mal
Oah Ya Mal is a spot that serves the best of both worlds with its authentic Saudi interior decors to its deliciously cooked traditional plates fresh from the chef’s kitchen, making it the perfect place to explore local heritage.
Location: Ar Rakah Ash Shamaliyah, Khobar
Instagram: oahyamal