Take a tour of the Children’s World School kindergarten section.
Children’s World School Kindergarten section was established more than 35 years ago. The Program is collaborative, developmentally appropriate, and built on the tenets of teaching a child in every aspect.

Through our day we engage and laugh with them, listen to their stories and allow space for the unique facets of each child to blossom. Our classroom environment is enriched by playful inquiry, social and emotional support. Thus, the children in our kindergarten grow to be inquisitive, reflective and critical thinkers.
At CWS, we uphold the following goals that guide our curriculum design and your child’s learning:
• Shape relationships built on trust, inquiry, joy and respect
• Enable them to be active and curious learners
• Encourage student to be critical and creative thinkers
• Learn the tools needed to be successful in the 21st century