Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

This Belgian Thobe Designer’s Visit To Al Ula Is Making Us Want To Visit It ASAP

This Belgian Thobe Designer’s Visit To Al Ula Is Making Us Want To Visit It ASAP

Sitting some 380 km north of Madinah, the dusty town of Al Ula is one of the country’s best-kept secrets.

A lot of people visit the Thamudic ruins at Madain Saleh, which is located a few kilometers further ahead, but miss out on the ancient city of Al Ula, which was once the capital of the Lihyanites over 2000 years ago.

Rebuilt a number of times the present town is from the 13th century. It was inhabited until fairly recently with the last family believed to have moved out of the old town in the 1980’s. 20171021_145723

Christophe Beaufays who is a Belgian designer visited the old town of Al Ula and his photos will show you how beautiful the city is. Travelling around the medieval town with local tour guides his photos take you on a picturesque journey.

Beaufays describes Al Ula as having “its very  own specificities like the ‘shared rooms’ that are in every house connecting all houses in the city from the first-floor whilst at the same time provide shade to the streets below.” His personal favorite view of Al Ula he states is “from the top of the fortress of the old city.”

P.S. All photos were shot on his mobile camera.


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