Here are some places for children with special needs in Jeddah. here are 9 of special needs centers
1. Early Intervention Center
A habilitation center that combines personal care programs, educational programs, psychological therapy, and physiotherapy through diagnosis and early intervention.
Location: Doljah Ibn Qyes, Al Naeem Dist.
Tel: +966-12-6587053
Mob: +966-568852678
Facebook: EarlyInterventionJeddah
Twitter: tada5ol_mobaker
2. Help Center | special needs center
A non-profit philanthropic organization specialized in enhancing the lives of people who have special needs, through a safe playing, working, and learning environment.
Location: Ismail Abu Daud, Al Andalus Dist.
Tel: +966-12-6631113
Instagram: helpcenterksa
Twitter: helpcenterksa
Youtube: Help Center KSA
Read also Understanding Children With Special Needs
3. The Geniuses Club for special needs
(For children 2-8 years old)
This club takes care of all children including ones with special needs. This club includes skills and hobbies development program, developing the skill of language and pronunciation, and Montessori program.
Location: Al Naeem Dist.
Mob: +966-504627922
Whatsapp: +966-566505225
Instagram: specialandgenius
Twitter: specilandgenius
4. Jeddah Autism Center:

JAC provides the best leading educational programs, rehabilitation and family support for children with autism; amending behavior through positive reinforcement, and method education (behavioral and cognitive education).
Location: Al-Andalus Dist., Prince Turki Ibn Abdulaziz St.
Mob: +966-561868244
Instagram: jeddahautismcenter
Twitter: JeddahAutism
5. Disabled Children’s Association:
DCA includes social and educational interaction, psychological care such as, psychological stability and adaptation to disability. They also provide consultancy to persons with disabilities and their families.
Location: King Abdulaziz Rd. Al Nahda Dist.
Tel: 8001241118
Instagram: dca_ksa
6. Jeddah Institute for Speech & Hearing
JISH specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various hearing disorders and communication with the aim of providing Arabic speaking services. For example, pronunciation, fluency, expressive language, audiovisual qualification.
location: Rawdat Al Khalij St. , Al Rawdah Dist.
Tel: +966-12-667 5311
Instagram: jishorg
7. Language & Listening Stimulation Center – LLSC
The center is focused on re-orienting kids with speech and hearing difficulties towards society and improve their wellbeing communication and empower them to reach out to their parents, peers, and society. The center uses strategies and collaborates with specialized consultants from the United States of America.
location: Al Salama Dist.
Tel: +966-12-6391055
Mob: +966-504675080
Instagram: llscksa
Twitter: LLSCksa
8. Childhood Ability Programs – CAP
CAP is well established rehabilitation service in Jeddah. They are catered towards children reintegration into society with their full potential. Their clinics are: the physical therapy clinic, the occupational clinic, the speech and language clinic, and the psychology and behavior modification clinic. therefore this center is considered one of the best special needs centers
location: Al Hamra Dist
Tel: +966-12-2841959
Mob: +966-509217332
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9. Hope Center | special needs center
Hope a center is a place where your kid can be nurtured and grow, by providing them with the best teaching practices which are under the guise of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Guests are divided between the British or American curriculum based on applicability.
location: Prince Sultan St.
Tel: +966-12-6996475
Mob: +966-566956887