There are so many awesome words we like, don’t use like all the time. And that totally sucks. But we should, like, use these more often methinks.
1. Scrumptious
These pancakes are just so scrumptious.

2. Delightful
What a delightful gathering!

3. Precious
Children are truly precious.

4. Evolve
I love it when my pokemon evolve.

5. Audacity
They had the audacity to ignore my request!

6. Contemplate
People need to contemplate their actions more often.
7. Absurd
The way she was talking was just absurd!

8. Gorgeous
Isn’t she gorgeous?

9. Solitude
I do enjoy timely solitude.
10. Fantastic
What a fantastic idea!
11. Marvellous
You have done a marvellous job.